Advanced Thermal Conversion expertise
With over 20 years of operating experience, our commercially proven technology has been recognised as constituting the Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO) for the thermal treatment of waste.
Through years of operation, we’ve refined our thermal waste solution to be among the most efficient in the industry. Our unique modular design allows for simultaneous processing of multiple waste streams, all while recovering valuable resources and generating energy.
The Indivus Process
The success of the technology is principally due to the separation of three distinct thermo-chemical processes, facilitating optimum conditions at each stage of waste valorisation.
We developed an advanced control system to maximise energy extraction from waste while minimising emissions. The direct extraction of high quality syngas can enable high-temperature industrial applications such as cement manufacture and metallurgy. This self-sustaining process harnesses the energy within the waste it processes to operate, without the need for external fuels.

Built for Purpose
The modular design of our technology allows us to build facilities to various sizes and specifications, depending on local energy and waste disposal needs. Our Avonmouth demonstrator plant was constructed and commissioned within 9 months, an unprecedented feat in the industry.
Our plants can process a range of feedstocks simultaneously through separate “streams”. Wastes with high calorific value can provide the energy to process more inert materials, enabling specialist applications such as contaminated soil remediation.